Monday, July 15, 2013

Dec. 9th, 2000

Dear God,

     What's going on? Please answer so I know without a doubt it's You!  Am I suppose to not wear my cool green khaki skirt anymore? Am I not suppose to wear or keep the velvet dress I got...I don't feel like I want that anyways.  What are You doing!  I feel I've been in turmoil because of my dress... makeup etc... Jesus please help me so that it's easier.  Is it really You? talking?  I feel it is.  Why? Please tell me.  

                                                                                          In Jesus name Amen.

Hebrews 2:1

     "Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away."

v. 13  "... Here am I and the children whom God has given to Me."

v. 18 "...for in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, he is able to aid those who are tempted."

     Thank you Jesus for verse one.

     Is that true God... must be.  Kinda scary. What would I drift away from?  Kingdom teachings huh?  God it's hard cus dad's in the middle and Mr. M's all the way Kingdom and Melody's all the way non-Kingdom. Please make Dad all the way Kingdom.  Please!  It seems you're purifying me. It's hard!  Please give me a peace about it! Teach me to sit in You Jesus... please!

     God what are You doing in my life?  What are You preparing me for?  Help me to obey!  It's HARD!  When it's totally different than the way I am!  

     Help me to know when You are talking.  Please! Sometimes I think You've said something Holy Spirit and it didn't' line up.  Once I felt not to take a shower... I did anyways and I had plenty of time.

     Help listening to and obeying your voice not to be in bondage... It seems it is to me. Probably my questions/timings don't help at all.  I do love You Jesus.  You're pulling me away from what I hold dear.  It's hard, please be with me!  

                                                                                                 In Jesus' name Amen!

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